It was dead simple, and took less than five minutes to upload and chop up the image.
PosteRazor creates a PDF with all of the pages, and you can then just print the PDF file. Until now, most affordable powders for AM have been produced using gas atomization. We used PosteRazor (the browser version) to split the ground floor map into six sheets of 8.5' x 11' paper. Recently, a new, alternative method of powder production based on ultrasonic atomization with melting by electric arc has appeared. This paper summarizes the preliminary research results of AM samples made of two AISI 316L steel powder batches, one of which was obtained during Ultrasonic Atomization (UA) and the other during Plasma Arc Gas Atomization (PAGA). The comparison starts from powder particle statistical distribution, chemical composition analysis, density, and flowability measurements. Finally, the test campaign covered an analysis of mechanical properties, including tensile testing with Digital Image Correlation (DIC) and Charpy's impact tests.Īfter powder analysis, test samples were produced using AM to observe the differences in microstructure, porosity, and hardness. A comparative study of parts made of ultrasonic and gas atomization powders confirms the likelihood that both methods can deliver material of similar properties.ģD printing is a constantly expanding technology that represents one of the most exciting and disruptive production possibilities available today. This technology has gained global recognition and garnered considerable attention in recent years. However, technological breakthroughs, particularly in the field of material science, continue to be the focus of research, particularly in terms of future advancements. The 3D printing techniques are employed for the manufacturing of advanced multifunctional polymer composites due to their mass customization, freedom of design, capability to print complex 3D structures, and rapid prototyping. The advantages of 3D printing with multipurpose materials enable solutions in challenging locations such as outer space and extreme weather conditions where human involvement is not possible. If you are looking for an program to print out the maps, we recommed using PosteRazor, a free, public-domain, OGL program which you can find on Google.

Each year, numerous research papers are published on the subject of imbuing composites with various capabilities such as magnetic, sensing, thermal, embedded circuitry, self-healing, and conductive qualities by the use of innovative materials and printing technologies. This review article discusses the various 3D printing techniques used in the manufacture of polymer composites, the various types of reinforced polymer composites (fibers, nanomaterials, and particles reinforcements), the characterization of 3D printed parts, and their applications in a various industries.